Sunday, December 21, 2008

Welcome to Three Moons Wellness Public Health Blog

Welcome everyone. This is our first post for Three Moons Wellness Public Blog and its our last post from sunny Boulder, CO. In two short days, we will be heading back east to our home in Vermont. When I left Vermont 6 years ago, I was helping run a small marketing company in Waitsfield, hiking and skiing, and doing a lot of meditation. Six years have gone by and a lot has changed. I became an acupuncturist and Chinese herbalist, married the love of my life (Sarah) and became the happiest parents on the planet to the most darling little moon (Lekha), and I ran a successful acupuncture clinic in the alternative medicine mecca. Sarah, though living in Wisconsin 6 years ago, had a similar transformation prior to our journey and I'm very proud to report that just a few days ago she received her master's degree in Oriental Medicine while also being an amazing mother.

Amidst this whirlwind, there is an amazing calmness in our family as we so eagerly look forward to being in Vermont. As a long time resident of Vermont, I knew when we had our daughter there was no place I would rather raise a child than Vermont. The sense of community I have always felt in Vermont is the reason I really could never leave and its the reason Sarah looks so forward to small town living. So as this dream of ours unfolds before us, we are so excited about bringing all of the knowledge we've obtained in the past 6 years and sharing it with you, our community.

So, what is this blog about? Honestly, we really want you folks to decide that, but our main purpose is to give our patients, friends, family and community a chance to be heard. One of the most exciting things about being a medical practitioner is how much time we get to spend with you. Its unfortunate that the western medical community is not setup to do that, so we want to be the ones providing that. Should you want any advice about your health, a friend's health or your pet's, please post them here and those who get involved will be allowed to answer as well. We are acupuncturists, herbalists, nutritionists, spiritualists and parents. Therefore, that will be our area of expertise, but if there is something we do not know, we will find out for you and for us too! May our journey begin...