Wednesday, February 18, 2009

5 weeks and rolling

Hello everyone. Its been 5 weeks and running now that Three Moons Wellness has been open in Waitsfield, Vermont and things are going very well. The phone keeps ringing and we keep helping people with their health. This week, we made progress in many cases from chronic back pain to insomnia, from GERD to gallbladder pain, from allergies to menopause. Its been great being back in the Valley and meeting so many new people that are so receptive to alternative medicine. As it is a "practice", the feedback you provide us is just as valuable as the care we provide you. We really all just work together to improve health in general, so thank you in advance for being great patients.

In 5 short weeks, we have held one Free Community Acupuncture Night which occurred amidst a snow storm that quickly became a blizzard. 5 out of the 6 people who signed up for the event showed up with hats and gloves and sleds in tow. That was not only very encouraging, but very rewarding as 5 people got to try acupuncture for the first time, FREE. We also had some nice generous donations and in the same 5 short weeks, we've raised over $200 for charity. That is very, very cool!

Other stuff that's going on is some preliminary talks of having an integrative health center in central Vermont and I"m excited to be a part of this huge movement towards, what I consider, to be a switch in the paradigm of medicine and could turn out to be revolutionary. So, please stay tuned as that develops.

Thanks for listening and as always, best in health.

Three Moons Wellness
"If you wont' change your health, we will"

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